Fig. 326 - The Edison Cylinder. |
On April 24, 1878, the "Edison Speaking Phonograph Company"
was organized and one of the first innovations introduced
was the launching of the phonograph driven by an electric
motor. Therefore, at the time of the introduction of the phonograph,
others new similar inventons were appearing quickly. Thus,
in 1880, Alexander Bell, the inventor of the telephone, supported
by his cousin Chichester Bell and professor Charles Sumner
Tainter, developed a new method for reproducing natural sound
using a jet of compressed air, later described as the “Graphophone”
whose patent was granted on May 4, 1886.
Therefore, in spite of the innovation, the new apparatus
had difficulties in reproducing the recorded sound due the
type of system used for. After many researches, Bell and Tainter
developed a wax-coated cardboard cylinder.
Soon Bell and his associates organized the Volta Graphophone
Company in order to exploit it for the reproduction of music.
Fig. 327 - The Edison diamond record |
Since there were circa seventeen United States patents issued
on the behalf of Edison on phonographic devices, in the beginning
he understood that a machine on which records of sound were
engraved and reproduced from wax-made cylinder substantially
seemed similar to his phonograph. However, due to mutual interests
involved the two companies decide to merge forces by founding
on July 14, 1888 the “North American Phonograph Company”.
After some time such a kind of commercial arrangement proved
to be unfeasible and soon, it was incorporated a new company
under the tradename: “American Graphophone C ompany”,
whose pioneering work led to the publication of the first
catalog of recorded cylinders.
At the end of XIX century, in spite of the great production
of recorded cylinders, they were still priced far beyond the
means of most householders.
Thus, such situation led to new developments and around 1908
following the introduction of the standard four-minute wax
Amberol record. In order to improve even more the record surface
quality, in 1911 the celluloid was used in the cylinder manufacturing,
giving birth well-known Blue Amberol cylinder. Fig 326
Therefore, due to several technical and economical aspects,
the cylindrical shaped phonogram carved out new trends. In 1913,
Edison launched in the market the flat record as known as “Edison
diamond record”, that still kept the original vertical
recording pattern. Fig 327
Fig. 328 - The early hand-driven gramophone
invented by Berliner. |
However, a German inventor living in the USA, Emile Berliner,
by no means developed the idea of the disc records. Basically
his concept consisted in tracing the waveforms of the sound
in a spiral, laterally undulating line upon lampback coated
glass disc. After many experimentation, in 1888, Berliner did
a public presentation of his new recording concept in t he Franklin
Institute in Philadelphia, now using a flat metal disc covered
with a thin layer of wax; after recording, the wax coated metal
disc was immersed in an acid bath, which etched the wavy lines
exposed to the solution by recording the desire depth. By a
continuous improvement Berliner started to use electropating
techniques and soon was able to make stampers by electrotyping
from the original record, so the duplicates could be pressed
from heated plastic materials in large quantities. For the reproduction
the new type of phonogram, Berliner invented a very crude hand-driven
machine also, patented under the tradename of “Gramophone”,
in order to differentiate it either from the “Edison phonograph”
as well as the “Graphophone”. Fig 328
Meanwhile the electrotyping techniques, around 1920, the recordings
were still made by mechanical-accoustical methods based in
the original Edison phonograph. Thus in the recording studio
it was used a resonant device as know as horn, responsible
to collect the sound waves, which in turn moved a diafragm-stylus
embossing the sound wave patterns on the record.
Fig. 329 -A type of metal stamper or
master circa 1950. |
Since the diaphragm was the sole source for the whole recording
sound frequency spectrum, it had a low accoustical performance,
allowing a limited dynamic range no better than 200Hz to 3kHz.
As aforementioned in chapter 7, during the twenties, the microphone
developed from the wireless, when allied with the thermionic
valve, dramatically changed the idea of sound reproduction by
the introduction of the sound tracks into motion pictures and
consequently giving birth of the electrical recording, which
improving substantially the frequency response, now ranging
from 50 Hz to 4 kHz. At this time the new famous recording trade
names appeared in the market such as “Vivaltonal”,
“Orthophonic”. Around 1930, those recording were
made from wax stampers allowing a frequency response up to 10
kHz. Fig. 329
Before the Berliner’s system no stampers were used as
the records were made individually, arising several types of
irregularities either in the frequency response as well as in
the pressing process. Also, the most important factors for a
proper sound recording, as the cutting method and recording
speed were in their childhood.
Thus, before the gramophone system the records were made using
the older phonograph technology by indenting vertically undulating
groove of variable depth where the stylus had a hill-and-dale
Afterward the majority of records were made using the horizontal
modulation as know as lateral cutting method originally, developed
by Berliner.
Fig. 330 - A phonographic record in
mid-fifities. |
Before the advent of the hysterisis-synchronous motor, used
in the cutting machines, and due to the lack of industrial standards
as well as a suitable quality control, there were different
types of records speeds such as 78-78, 26-80 or even 80 rpm
as found in the early Berliner’s discs.
In the beginning of the phonographic industry, Enrico Caruso,
the well-known Italian singer, and many crafstmen like Eldridge
Jonhson worked hard to improve the uniformity of the disc’s
recording and playback speed, whose technical criteria appeared
with the electrical recording in the later twenties.
But if the sound recording was still a difficult operation,
the pressing was even more complex process since in the early
days suitable plastic materials for stamping and molding were
not still available in the market.
Originally the first disc were mading using several type of
mateirals: hard rubber or “Vulcanite” natural resins
like the shellac, and finally the first type phenolic synthetic
resin known as “Condensite”. Fig. 330
Based in the manufacturing principles used, the records were
supplied in variable thickness as well as in sizes ranging from
10 to 12 inches. In certain labels it was possible to find discs
with diameters from 5-1/2 to 20 inches.
As a foreseen the “Gramophone” system revolutionized
the phonographic industry by introducing the making of stampers
by electrotyping from the original record, so the duplicates
could be pressed from heated plastic materials in large quantities.
Therefore, in spite the great sound quality of such manufacturing
process it was still impossible to avoid the record surface
noisy due to the physical-chemical of such a kind of materials.
Even so in the beginning of the electrical recording era, the
phono reproducer, as know as pick up, was still primitive using
the old fashion steel needles, without a uniform geometry and
in this way arising difficulties to follow the disc grooves
pattern. Thus, to overcome such handicap a certain amount of
abrasive meadia such as carborundum was mixed in the material
of the record for the purpose of making the variable steel needle
conform to the groove. Fig 331
Fig. 331 - On the left:
several types of needles used for the playback of antique
phonographic records. On the right, the acoustical pickup
or diaphragm used for the playback of the first “Gramophone”
and “Victrola”. |
Around 1930, engineers involved with the phonographic industry
started searching for high fidelity and long playing recordings.
However, such advanced technological goal was reached in 1948
only, when Dr. Peter Goldmark working at CBS research laboratories
invented the micro-groove record.
Fig. 332 - A modern type of pickup.
In the first plane and old type of recording pickup made
by the German company NORA. |
This new recording technique used a new type of pressing material,
as known as, “Vinylite”, bringing many advantages
when compared with the older count parts. Among them are: long
playback time that gave birth of its name - “Long Playing”
–, better dynamic range, high fidelity frequency response
and the possibility to use low pressure tracking pickups, which
improved the disc wear resistance as well as decreasing its
surface noisy. Fig 332
The launching of the “Long Playing” record was a
great marketing success, but even so the phonographic industry
was still facing problems now related with the playback frequency
equalization standards which has two main functions: to indicate
the characteristics how the recording was made and the sonic
correction applied over each specificone.
Around 1950, before the RIAA curve was finally agreed upon as
an industry standard, each major record company developed and
used is own equalization curve. Thus, in 1953, the “Record
Industry Association of America”, developed the equalization
curve as known as “RIAA” and was adopted by all
leading recording companies as a standard for record reproduction.
Fig 333
The equalization curve
RIAA - an acronym for Record Industry Association of America
- is used to designate the reproduction characteristics
adopted by all recording companies. The standard was adopted
in June 1953 and reafirmed in March 1964. Such equalized
reproduction standards generally were printed in the first
"Long Playing" records cover as per hereunder
mentioned graph. |
Fig 333 - The RIAA equalization curve
is shown in the above-mentioned table. |
In spite of the excellent sound quality of the new record
using micro-groove – Long Playing – the engineers
were still in their perenial search for better sound reproduction
media. In 1930, several studies conducted either in the USA
as well as in England indicated the possibility to develop
stereophonic recording. However, soon they were abandoned
due to several technical and economical factors involved.
The first stereophonic recordings were launched in the market
circa 1956. Considering the large frequency response and high
dynamic level, they allowed the recording of the natural sounds
with minimum distorsion, true fidelity and an enormous definition
enhanced by the stereophonic effect.
Notwithstanding this fantastic technological improvements
up to the early sixties all the recording of natural sounds
were still made by analogical means.
Type of Recording |
Speed - rpm |
Time Constants and
Threshold Frequencies |
Bass Boost |
Treble Cut |
Older discs: |
78 |
640 µs 250 Hz |
Decca ffrr |
78 |
1060 µs 150 Hz |
25 µs 6400 Hz |
78 |
350 µs 450 Hz |
75 µs 2100 Hz |
Columbia |
78 |
530 µs 300 Hz |
90 µs 1800 Hz |
Older Long Playing: |
Decca LP |
33 1/3 - 45 |
530 µs 300 Hz |
80 µs 2000 Hz |
33 1/3 - 45 |
350 µs 450 Hz |
75 µs 2100 Hz |
Columbia LP |
33 1/3 - 45 |
400 µs 400 Hz |
90 µs 1800 Hz |
Modern Long Playing |
33 1/3 - 45 |
320 µs 500 Hz |
75 µs 2100 Hz |
The threshold frequencies
are those at which the response is about 3 dB up or
down. |
Fig 333-a the equalization requirements
for various types of phonographic records between 1935-1954
are shown in the above-mentioned table. |
Table 3 – Landmarks in the phonographic
disc evolution. |
Landmark |
Pictorial |
Edison tin foil |
Molding material: tin
foil, 0,002” in thickness made of a tin/lead alloy.
Main characteristics:
- Groove density: 1-/inch;
- Recording method: vertial with constant - groove speed;
- Speedy: 60 rpm;
- Recording / playback needle: steel made with conical
radius 0,016”
- Cylinder diameter: 4,97”
Notes: the til foils was mede by the Crookes method.
It consists in rolling the lead / tin foils cladding.
1877 |
Berliner’s flat disc |
Molding material: Vulcanite or hard rubber
Main characteristics:
- Speed: 70 rpm;
- Recording method: lateral or horizontal modulation;
- Matrix made by electroplating;
- Many copies available;
- Higher dymanic range;
Notes: In the Berliner recording method, patented under
the trade name “Gramophone, the traced waveforms
were recorded in the matrix’s grooves by an eletrocchemical
process instead of the originally sound energy required
in the early discs, which improved substantially the volume
of the recording.
1888 |
Long- playing disc |
Molding material: synthetic resin – Vynilite
Main characteristics:
- Sound patters recorded in microgrooves
- Speed: 33 1/3 rpm allowing higher recording time;
- Higher dymanic range
- High fidelity fequency response;
- Improved record life;
- Low noisy level;
- Low needle playback pressure;
- Small lneedle radius;
Notes: Dr. Peter Golmark developed the long-playing record
at Columbia research laboratories. It allows higher recording
data when compared with the forme 78 rpm counterpart.
1948 |
Stereophonic Long-Playing disc |
Molding material: Vynil
Main characteristics:
- Frequency reponse: 30-18000 Hz;
- Speed: 33 1/3 rpm;
- Recording method: orthogonal for both channels;
- Disc diameter: 10 and 12”;
- Dymanic range: 45 to 55 dB;
- Equalization: RIAA standard;
- Playback using low needle pressure: 0,5 to 2,0 g;
Notes: High fidelity recording reproduction improved by
the stereophonic effect. |
1956 |
Stereophonic Long-Playing disc |
Molding material: high quality vynil.
Main characteristics:
-F requency response: flat, 0-21 kHz (-3dB at 22 kHz);
- Noisy to signal ratio: 90 dB RMS (non-weighted);
- Flutter: non-measurable;
- Wow: non-measurable;
- Intermodulation distorsion: none;
- Crosstalk: none;
Notes: Basically, it consits to transfer to a master tape
the audio signals already converted into numerals, which
represents the frequency range in a certain time internval.
Thus, recorded sound waveforms could be virtually the
same as found in the natural sound source.
1980 |